Monday, November 30, 2009

Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts

Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts

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Great Handmade Finds by Made for Me by Oaklie

Great Handmade Finds by Made for Me by Oaklie Take a minute and visit another Great Finds Contest! Vote for Mommy Tyme at the left... This theme is Holiday Gifts... Find the perfect gift for someone on your list....

Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts

Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts

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Friday, November 27, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Your Thoughts on our Children, Development, and Life

I found this fascinating quote today:

Learning is dependent upon experiences.  Experience activates neurons to fire and repeating the experience causes the neural networks formed to strengthen (Gross, 2008).  Environmental influences, however, can have a negative impact on brain development.  Early physical and psychological stress has been found to delay the development or hinder growth in the hypothalamus and brainstem (Gross, 2008).   Researchers using MRI techniques have found that severely neglected and abused children have a smaller head and decreased brain mass (Gross, 2008).  Another study using MRI technique found that the greater the abuse the smaller the brain volume (Gross, 2008).  Studies of abused and neglected children in early childhood have detected delays in cognition, emotional factors, social skills, and physical development (Gross, 2008). Mommy Tyme, Your Thoughts on our Children, Development, and Life, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

1. Surround yourself with successful and positive people. The influence people have over our own personal energy is amazing. Moods and attitudes are so easily spread – think about how much of a difference a simple smile from a stranger can make for your day and then magnify it 1000 times to demonstrate the power of positive and successful friends, family and associates. When you have people around you who inspire you, believe in you and want you to succeed, there’s no room for doubts and even when they creep up, they’re quickly swept away.Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

Getting people to your site is the key, right? Once there, your product is great, so if they are truly interested, a sale is no problem! But getting them there is a problem! Take a minute and type in something like "jewelry" to the search box. What happens? Pages and pages and pages (and thena few more) of sites related to Jewelry are listed. Where is yours? Lost somewhere in that crowd? What are the chances someone is going to choose to click on yours? It's a tough system out there!Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

Getting people to your site is the key, right? Once there, your product is great, so if they are truly interested, a sale is no problem! But getting them there is a problem! Take a minute and type in something like "jewelry" to the search box. What happens? Pages and pages and pages (and thena few more) of sites related to Jewelry are listed. Where is yours? Lost somewhere in that crowd? What are the chances someone is going to choose to click on yours? It's a tough system out there!Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

Online, one of the most significant keys to success is getting website traffic. The more visitors you have, the better your sales and profits. Presumably you have a niche and you know your keywords, and regularly conduct keyword research to stay on top of what’s popular. Based on those assumptions here are five quick and easy tips to get website traffic fast!Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Double Heart Bangle Bracelet - House to Home

Double Heart Bangle Bracelet - House to Home

Ok, now this item is not handmade, nor are some of the next few posts but this shop is owned by a friend of mine, Tongya from Women in Business and I really wanted to take a minute to get the word out about her store! She has some fantastic deals this week, shipping discounts, and more! Some items are well over 50% off! I really hope you take a minute to check them out! She has great holiday decor, fashions, jewelry, accessories and more... There are a few items you really just cant get handmade at a cost you can afford.. For those times check out Tongya for your gift giving needs!  If you collect plates or have some beautiful ones to display, this is the coolest thing I have ever seen!  A very unique display piece perfect for showing off some of your one of a kinds!  
Wow!  I absolutely adore this wind chime- and what a steal!  Under 7.00, are your kidding me?

Really, I would not steer you wrong!  I am one thrifty shopper, but I am willing to pay a little extra for great service and communication!  You will get BOTH at Tongya's outlet!

If you want to read more about her or her biz, check her credibility, etc. visit and read the feature!  Or stop by her Women in Business Ning for some great tips, groups, advice and business opportunities for women!  

Visit Women In Business

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Winning Winter Wonderland- Win a great Animal Crcohet Book

Here is another addition to our Winning Winter Wonderland...

A cute animal crochet book.  What a great gift for the crocheter in your life, or make these super cute little animals yourself!  Free to enter, super easy sweepstakes, as always on Fave Crafts!

You can enter one time daily.... Get busy!
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reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mommy's Reviews you can Use

I found this fascinating quote today:

Do you have a Fuzz B shop? Zibbet? MIM? Where do you sell? List them here! Starting December 1st I am going to begin my reviews from my browsing!Mommy Tyme, Mommy's Reviews you can Use, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Twelve Days of Christmas Sweepstakes

Twelve Days of Christmas Sweepstakes

Check out this fantastic contest! Win Big! Enter daily, and refer a friend to the contest.

Over the next few weeks along with my series, Pursuit of the Perfect Handmade Holidays I will be promoting a "Winner's Wonderland" by posting and referring you to all the great Contests, drawings, and raffles I can find ! So here is contest #1 and definitely worth your time....

Gearing up for our Reviews next month... Check out some new Mommy tyme items...

Well, I have had some responses to shops and owners who have invited me to visit their shop and talk about what they have going on for our series the Pursuit of the Perfect Handmade Holiday!  I am really excited about this, and I hope you are too!  I would love it if we had enough shop owners interested that we could feature a different store everyday!  so, if you know a shop owner, artisan, crafter, etc.  Tell them to come on over and list their URL in the comments!

In the meantime, I wanted to share some of the items I have in my shop right now!  I just listed some new necklaces (that took me quite a long time to finally get the hang of the technique- I won't tell you how many spindles of wire I went through or how many bandaids I had on my fingers by the time I finally got the technique!) But, I am pretty excited about some of the new items.  Hats and these necklaces are both a new project I have been working on for a while...

Enjoy!  As always, you can find most of these items at my shops:

Find more photos like this on Artisans/Jewelry Designers Ltd.

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

I stumbled across this site and Wow! All in one place are tons of coupons, freebies, giveaways, and samples...

Elmo tickle hands- Free Koolaid- Free Crystal Light- DiGorno Pizza's, etc.

Check out the link, there are some that require surveys, but all take less than 5 minutes!

Looking for something for the kids to do? Here is over a hundred activity pages, coloring pages, and printables for free! Just click and print! all holiday themed and perfect for to keep the kids busy...
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Ok Vendors, Handmade Artisans extrordinairre.... List your shops

Well, as part of my Pursuit of the Perfect Handmade Holiday I am going to start posting finds on the web that you may not run across on your own... As I have said before, I truly believe in supporting the arts and craftsmanship of individual entrepenuers! so, in that spirit I am asking that you list your shop, URL, etc! Unlike some other blogs, I am not creating a directory (although feel free to use it that way), I am simply looking for some shops to browse, investigate, promote and talk about here on my blog! All you have to do is list your URL! I am going to approach your shop as any other shopper and then talk about the great deals, fun stuff and items I can't wait to find! I have not even begun my Xmas shopping, so sell me!

Do you have a Fuzz B shop? Zibbet? MIM? Where do you sell? List them here! Starting December 1st I am going to begin my reviews from my browsing!

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reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mom Has a Voice

I found this fascinating quote today:

The other key is to not have "daydream expectations"- that man you are marrying is the same man that you have spent many a day with, the same man who belches, scratches his butt, and unbuttons his pants after he eats the buffet at Ponderosa.  Don't dream that once you walk down the aisle he is going to suddenly grow a mass of golden hair, increase muscle mass by 25% and suddenly send you flowers on a weekly basis.  If he hasn't done that yet, he is not going to do that then.  Finally, have your eyes open when you walk down the aisle.  Any habits, uncertainties, or qualms you witnessed last week are still going to exist after the honeymoon.  Marriage isn't going to stop infediility, lying, excessive spending, or any other habits you have been concerned about.Mommy Tyme, Mom Has a Voice, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Friday, November 20, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

Blogs are popular ways to create an online presence for personal and business reasons. You can build a blog for free and begin posting content right away. But, what good is that content if no one is reading it. Here are ten ideas to bring in the traffic your blog needs to survive.Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Win! Enter!

Enter to Win! See the contest details....

If you enter, let me know.... See the details on how to get extra entries...

The Real Cost of Selling

The Real Cost of Selling

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Nov20 « Freebie VIP Club

Nov20 « Freebie VIP Club

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

HandmadHolidays Series... Find a great buy at Zibbet...

With the holidays coming, we are all looking to save a buck, right? well, check out this link for coupons on your favorite brands!

Now, in the spirit of my series on the Handmade Holiday... I have found a fantastic new marketplace for handmade, artisan, and handcrafted items! I think it is so cool, I opened my own shop! Zibbet!

Here is the link to Mommy Tyme on Zibbet, but keep in mind, I just stumbled upon it today and started adding items. I hope that by the end of the week I will have more than a mere few shop wares and really have my storefront popping! Check out the link below....

Are you an artisan? Crafter? Have you tried Zibbet? Super easy to list, free, Need I say more?

If you have a Zibbet shop- feel free to comment here and list your URL... I am trying to compile a list of Zibbet shops for our readers of the Handmade Holidays Series....

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Featured! Find More resources for the Perfect Handmade Holiday....

Wow! I am really honored this month to be featured in the Artisan Jewelry Designers Blog... Sharon Hightower did a fantastic job! Thanks so much for this opportunity! Please take a moment to check it out...

This is a great resource for some fantastic handmade, artisan, crafted items for our pursuit to the perfect handmade holidays! I found some fabulous artwork there by Art1st and gorgeous jewelry by TRusk4U! But there are so many artisans located not only on the blog, but link up to the Ning Network, Artisan Jewelry Designers and scour the pages! You will be absolutely amazed!

While you are looking for new designers, take a moment to check out On Fire for Handmade! Another fantastic Ning that has so many great artisans in a variety of modalities. For a quick view, jump to the latest Greatest Finds Contest hosted by On Fire for Handmade! As always, you can find a Mommy Tyme entry and I would not be one bit offended if you voted for me! This week's theme is paint the town Red!

Finally, I wanted to share the latest additions with you to my Etsy shop!

You can find both of these new additions at

Remember, if you have a handmade or artisan outlet, shop, or site... Post it here and share your handmade with everyone... If you know of a great spot to find the perfect gifts for our Pursuit of the Perfect Handmade Holiday, share it here!

PS.  Don't forget to check out the latest at the Fuzz B!  Sell for free!  Tons of tools and resources, plus all the great marketplaces to choose from!

Blue Fuzzy Slipper

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Staying Handmade through the holidays...

Still in the Pursuit of the Perfect Handmade Holidays... Besides purchasing handmade, crafted, or artisan gifts, there are some fun traditions you can add to your family staying in the handmade theme...

How about making your own Cards this year? I found some great handmade card patterns and instructions that are so cute and easy, everyone can help!

check this link out:

Here is another super cute card that really emits the warm family holiday you are trying to portray by going handmade... Easy, and the kids can help!

These are just a few ideas! If you can't make it yourself, there are tons of handmade cards created by artisans on Etsy, Winkelf, and fuzz B you may want to check out!

Any artisans out there who make cards? Here is the chance to promote yourself! leave your link and shop URL! Share your information with everyone who is trying to follow the Handmade theme this season....

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Few freebies you might be interested in...

I wanted to give you all a few freebies I found on the web this week! Some involve a quick survey, but not too time consuming! let me know if any of the links do not work for you!

Free Kool Aid

Free sample of Surf Detergent!

Free Starbucks Coffee 3 Pack! Yummy...

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Asking for your votes, Again!

I have entered another of the great contests held at Great Finds! you can check the entries out at:

voting is to the left of the page, and the competition is tough! I have a fringed, colorful neckwarmer entered, and if you like it, I would be honored if you would vote for Mommy Tyme on the ballot (to the left of the page!)

Thanks for checking everyone out!

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The perfect Handmade Holiday isn't just the gifts... Carry the theme over to the entire event!

Well, besides my pursuit of the perfect Handmade Holiday, there is also the meal planning and festivities to think about (it's not all gifts, you know...)! One problem, or consideration, when YOU are the host, is what to serve? These days it is hard to just do a traditional turkey or ham because there are so many diet variations that people adhere to. In my family, I have one set of vegetarians, and another set who only eat organic (including meat)! Now, I don't have cows or pigs to slaughter, so that is a little difficult for me to do. I have, however, located some pretty fun recipes on the web. I am going to share these with you over the next few weeks- if you try ANY of them, please share with us! As a mom who works full time out of the house, and trying to run my own in house business, plus taking classes- I really don't get to cook to much! In fact, weekends I cook everything up for the entire week- freeze some of it- and we live off of that Monday thru Friday!

So, if you do use the recipes I list here, they are GREAT!, let us know! If they land everyone in the ER with stomach pain, let us know!

So, here we go...

For the vegetarians I found this great little site that has tons of vegetarian recipes. You can actually plug in ingredients you want to use, and it will pull up recipes that use those for you! Very cool....

now, remember to think of yourself during the holidays! Don't let the entire event become overwhelming and you run yourself into the ground, either! There are lots of things you can do to beat the stress! I found a great site with a few tips that can really help! check this out!

Hey, if you have ideas or thoughts on beating stress, share them here with us, too! We could all use a little down time for ourselves! Remember, you can always stop by Mommy Tyme and grab yourself a handmade soap or foaming bubble bath, and retreat to your tub for an hour with a good book! Check out the new serenity bar with essential oils known to calm and relax! On sale now at

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mom Has a Voice

I found this fascinating quote today:

Unfortunately this is the mindset of our twenty something generation.  The girls are having kids younger, and think that because the "daddy" stuck around, they are blessed.  Instead of thinking that they deserve someone who loves them, treats them with respect, and is supportive of them, they are grateful for the financial support and think that is the best they get. Mommy Tyme, Mom Has a Voice, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Pursuit of the Perfect Handmade Christmas...

I have woefully been lax on my blog here! So, this morning I am devoting more time to getting back to my roots and less time Playing on the social network sites! with the holidays coming I want to share as many great opportunities there are with you as I can... I really encourage you to consider buying handmade or artisan crafted items for the holidays. Why? Well, you know you are giving a one of a kind, unique item to someone. You are also supporting a struggling artisan out there! When we think of artist we have a vision of a twenty something eccentric woman with a beret on her head, glass of wine in hand, diligently facing her canvas with a paintbrush held between her teeth lost in thought... Well, the reality is- art comes in many forms and there are so many new and interesting modes out there that you can really find your creative niche and express your own individuality and sense of self by your fashion, accessories, decor of your home, activities you participate in, etc.

So, from now until the holidays I am going to present you with artisans and finds that I come across in my attempt to give the great Handmade Christmas!

My first stop on this journey is to tell you about Tracy Cornell, or Braggin Rights! She has a fantastic blog where she meets and explores handmade artisans and crafters! she gets deep into their craft and shows you many examples that you surely do not want to miss! This is a great starting point for finding the perfect gifts! Check her out at:

Make sure you look for her interview with me, Mommy Tyme, on January 5th! You can also check Tracy out by going to my website at and I have listed her links and banner for Braggin Rights on the front page!

check out her web site at and find fantastic handmade gifts, items for your home, and fashion! I actually stole a quote she wrote about herself because I think it really expresses her work

"I love altering art in any way that mind "sees" it. I like to do embroidery, with floss or thread, ribbon, or crewel; draw with charcoal , pastels, & paint with watercolors. I sew, do quilting, crochet, make quilted & embellished photo albums, & custom wedding albums. I've recently begun a line of recycled creations as well."

So, take a gander at Braggin Rights and keep coming back here to share your great finds in our pursuit for the Perfect Handmade Christmas! If you have a shop, are an artisan, etc. Please feel free to leave a comment with your link and your information! This will help us all find more of the artisan marketplace out there! Who knew there was so much to choose from?

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

reBlog from Artisans/ Jewelry Designers, Ltd.: Artisans/Jewelry Designers, Ltd.: October Artisan Spotlight Winners Announced!

I found this fascinating quote today:

Don't forget to stop by and vote for the next big contest!  On 11/15/09 the ISpy findings will be posted and ready for you to vote! Visit to vote!Artisans/ Jewelry Designers, Ltd., Artisans/Jewelry Designers, Ltd.: October Artisan Spotlight Winners Announced!, Nov 2009

You should read the whole article.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Check out my new blog and Scream Your Opinions! Mom has a voice, This blog is for mom's who want to share and gripe about all the things we encounter and deal with every day (that no one seems to appreciate!)

Check it out at:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

Well, here it is another month coming around....November! Actually, November is one of my favorite months... The leaves, the weather, the bonfires! I am also really excited about promoting some of my new holiday items! And, I have made a committment this year to Buy Handmade! I hope you all do the same? Anyway, with a new month, means a new blank slate for my Spotlight Page! I want to offer everyone here the opportunity first... If you would like to promote your shop, store, business (and it does not have to be handmade, but it does have to be something that is beneficial to women, Mom's, or the family unit), then please check out the spot and get me your info. As always, this is totally free, but it is first come first serve- AND you have to meet the criteria of what I am trying to offer to my viewers-Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

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