Following are links to freebies, offers and more....
Free Sunblock sample
Easy Marinade recipe you can use,com_recipes/Itemid,94/task,detail/rid,10543/s,1/r,marinade/
Info on how to get a free VTech Bugsby Reading System:
Free Luvs, Pampers etc for completing some questionairres....
Announcement Re: Mommy's Tyme at
Many of you are aware of my website, Mommy’s Tyme. This has been an ongoing, super fun project for me. I believe in empowering women, promoting home businesses, and saving the Handmade Movement. I originally developed my web site as a spot for women to find links to information, share, interact, and find great shopping sites of my friends handmade projects. Well, I want to really develop this- I have, in the past, ask for article submissions, craft patterns, recipes and more… I am still asking that and in return I advertise your shop for you. However, I have recently began working with web site services to further explore my idea of promoting shops and handmade. In this aspect I have decided to develop a Spotlight page… I will be combining my articles and reference pages, adding a spotlight page, and keeping my shopping/links/stores page…
So, hopefully, by Monday the web site will be totally revamped with an entirely new look. On that note, the current site has been growing by 24% (average) weekly since I started it. Some pages on some days have had as many as 280 hits, while other days may only have 20 for certain pages… I really want to increase this so I have linked up with some professional services to assist me in growing this project. This will simultaneously help promote those who participate in the Spotlight page…
So, what is the spotlight page? Well, I have offered to promote several contests on different social networks- so I thought I would just expand that. What the spotlight page will entail is Contests, give aways, Blog give aways, etc. So, if you manage a social network and you would like to promote a contest, just submit the information and we will go from there. I will post a slide show, links, and badges for that network. There will also be a section for Blog Give Aways, Blog announcements, etc for your personal blogs. Finally, there will be a “Steal the Deal” Section where you can promote your specials, deals, sales at your shops. I will post your banner, link and avatar with the sale item and information you provide me. Each submission will run for 2 weeks (to start- if I get a lot of interest we will go down to one week)- FOR NOW THIS IS FREE- WE WILL JUST SEE HOW IT GOES BEFORE WE DECIDE ANY COSTS. However, in return there will be specific guidelines for you to promote at my site. These will be listed in each category on the page. These are simple requests, such as promoting the page, posting the information on your blog, tweeting it, etc. (Nothing too hard, and all this helps promote your item, also)
I want to offer this to my loyal subscribers to my blogs and my social network friends, first. So, if you are interested in promoting your contest, item, blog, grand opening, etc. on my site ( simply send me the information to
I will not officially open the site until Monday 8/3- but you can be the first Spotlighted if you get your info to me now. I will send you the guidelines once I have them ironed out.
Social Network owners- Send me the slideshow, the voting link, and the blurb about your contest/network if you want this posted!
I really look forward to this page growing and helping everyone increase traffic and sales for their sites/stores. I will keep all participants updated on the traffic, web site services, changes as they are made… Remember, this is totally free for you!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Twitter, webfetti, Fairy Backgrounds- Layouts and more...
If you are trying to spice up your blog, your layouts, web site or social network pages- I highly recommend using the background fairy (link is in upper left corner of my Mishaps of Mommy blog at
You may try the webfetti add on, also. However, I had multiple computer glitches start immediately after using the webfetti templates and adding the toolbar (you have to load the toolbar to get access to the layouts)- I seriously discourage downloading the toolbar.
I would love to hear your experiences with either of these graphic pages. Please share them here. I have seen many people using graphics from webfetti on social networks- are you having any computer problems from the download? I would love to know.
Finally- want to tweet all the time- well download the twitter bar below. This is a quick, simple, easy access way to work your twitter page while doing other things, too! Find something cool on the web? Just add a quick tweet without having to find your twitter home page. Try it, let me know how it works for you!
You may try the webfetti add on, also. However, I had multiple computer glitches start immediately after using the webfetti templates and adding the toolbar (you have to load the toolbar to get access to the layouts)- I seriously discourage downloading the toolbar.
I would love to hear your experiences with either of these graphic pages. Please share them here. I have seen many people using graphics from webfetti on social networks- are you having any computer problems from the download? I would love to know.
Finally- want to tweet all the time- well download the twitter bar below. This is a quick, simple, easy access way to work your twitter page while doing other things, too! Find something cool on the web? Just add a quick tweet without having to find your twitter home page. Try it, let me know how it works for you!
Embed this widget See full results for TwitterBar
background fairy,
tool bars,
Monday, July 27, 2009
Free Recipe Book!
Free Heart Healthy Recipe Cookbook... Grab it below- takes about 5 minutes but worth the time!
I also want to take a moment to talk about simplifying your cleaning routine! Yes, we all have that nasty duty and when time is of the essence we want to make it quick and painless (like ripping off a bandaid?). So, I wanted to add just a few products that I have tried and really are worth the extra bucks (if time is critical)!
1. Clorox Wipes- these disinfecting wipes are a whiz at cleaning and easy access if you put a container in every room. I keep one in the bathroom and in the kitchen. I prefer the purple disinfecting wipes for the scent. Regardless, I can wipe and know my area is germ free. They last, are durable and can clean several counters before breaking down (unlike a paper towel)
2. ANY of the Shark vacuums. These are different than traditional vac's. They rotate and pull up debris from your carpet, they can manuever into any area, they are super lightweight and rechargeable (so no cord interfering with you when you are on a cleaning roll...) Now, these can NEVER replace your traditional deep cleaning vacuums, but you can use this one daily and save lugging out the monster hoover for the weekends. The charge lasts a long time, they do a great job, and really do fit anywhere.
Have a cleaning tip? Share it here....
Also, don't forget to check out my new blog on health, happiness, changing your life from the inside out at
I also want to take a moment to talk about simplifying your cleaning routine! Yes, we all have that nasty duty and when time is of the essence we want to make it quick and painless (like ripping off a bandaid?). So, I wanted to add just a few products that I have tried and really are worth the extra bucks (if time is critical)!
1. Clorox Wipes- these disinfecting wipes are a whiz at cleaning and easy access if you put a container in every room. I keep one in the bathroom and in the kitchen. I prefer the purple disinfecting wipes for the scent. Regardless, I can wipe and know my area is germ free. They last, are durable and can clean several counters before breaking down (unlike a paper towel)
2. ANY of the Shark vacuums. These are different than traditional vac's. They rotate and pull up debris from your carpet, they can manuever into any area, they are super lightweight and rechargeable (so no cord interfering with you when you are on a cleaning roll...) Now, these can NEVER replace your traditional deep cleaning vacuums, but you can use this one daily and save lugging out the monster hoover for the weekends. The charge lasts a long time, they do a great job, and really do fit anywhere.
Have a cleaning tip? Share it here....
Also, don't forget to check out my new blog on health, happiness, changing your life from the inside out at

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Freebies, offers, and more....
Hi all! Well, I have worked over the weekend promoting my sales and items. I also diligently added to my website, Mommy's Tyme. In the course of doing this, I have come across several freebies, contests, etc. that you may be interested in. We all need to save a buck, so if someone's giving it away- I am first in line!
Here is a free Act mouthwash offer- Now, I personally have not tried this mouthwash (I am a traditional Listerine user!) but I am signing up and going to give it a go!
I would love to hear from you about your opinion of this product? Remember- every person who comments on my blog is automatically entered into my Free Sampler Give Away! I keep track of you, so no worries! My contestants are compiled of entries from my blogs and my website! (so increase your odds by commenting on all the blogs and signing the guest book at the site!)
I also wanted to give those of you who create handmade or handcrafted items a quick peek at another promotional outlet. This is new, and just opened! The cost is 5.00 per month, you list 5 items, it links to your stores and the owner is promoting, promoting, promoting! This is all about exposure for your handcrafted work. Browse it and see what you think! I will keep you updated on how and if it benefits my business- In the meantime, feel free to sign up and tell them Mommy Tyme sent you!
Ok, Now here is a link to a questionnaire. Once you complete you will be directed to a shlew of free samples and more! Check it out. Takes about 10 minutes to complete. Let me know what you get!!
Now, are you ready to work towards a better, happier, more stable life? Then do it with support. Research shows that people are more able to make life changes if they have a support group helping them. So, what are your life goals? Changes you want to make? Weight loss? Financial control? Less stress? Well, come visit my new blog- No, I am not selling anything- Just giving free support! Let's work on ourselves from the inside out so we can begin to enjoy our lives instead of fretting them away....

or visit
Here is a free Act mouthwash offer- Now, I personally have not tried this mouthwash (I am a traditional Listerine user!) but I am signing up and going to give it a go!
I would love to hear from you about your opinion of this product? Remember- every person who comments on my blog is automatically entered into my Free Sampler Give Away! I keep track of you, so no worries! My contestants are compiled of entries from my blogs and my website! (so increase your odds by commenting on all the blogs and signing the guest book at the site!)
I also wanted to give those of you who create handmade or handcrafted items a quick peek at another promotional outlet. This is new, and just opened! The cost is 5.00 per month, you list 5 items, it links to your stores and the owner is promoting, promoting, promoting! This is all about exposure for your handcrafted work. Browse it and see what you think! I will keep you updated on how and if it benefits my business- In the meantime, feel free to sign up and tell them Mommy Tyme sent you!
Ok, Now here is a link to a questionnaire. Once you complete you will be directed to a shlew of free samples and more! Check it out. Takes about 10 minutes to complete. Let me know what you get!!
Now, are you ready to work towards a better, happier, more stable life? Then do it with support. Research shows that people are more able to make life changes if they have a support group helping them. So, what are your life goals? Changes you want to make? Weight loss? Financial control? Less stress? Well, come visit my new blog- No, I am not selling anything- Just giving free support! Let's work on ourselves from the inside out so we can begin to enjoy our lives instead of fretting them away....

or visit
financial freedom,
free items,
weight loss
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
New Novel!!!
I received a link today via twitter to a publishers site promoting a novel.. 3 Wisemen.. Below is a link to the information and publicity for this new novel. One creative option they are utilizing with the web site is an introductory portion of the novel is available for you to read in a PDF format. You can see if this is a book you would or would not be interested in without having to waste any money, shipping costs, etc. How many times have you picked up a book with great cover art, a brilliant synopsis, only to find the story was not what you thought? The writing was hard for you to follow? Just not your cup of tea? Well, this publisher has offered you a chance to try before you buy! I wish more authors and publishers offered this opportunity...
Anyway, here is the link!
I would love to hear comments and feedback from anyone who purchases or reads the book. Share your thoughts and reviews!
Not just this book, either! Share your opinion on all your latest reads! I love interaction and comments!!
Do you know of more links like this? share them with us!
Anyway, here is the link!
I would love to hear comments and feedback from anyone who purchases or reads the book. Share your thoughts and reviews!
Not just this book, either! Share your opinion on all your latest reads! I love interaction and comments!!
Do you know of more links like this? share them with us!
3 Wisemen,
book reviews,
PDF review,
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Great Summer Reads! Review of some Hot Novels to Explore during your personal Mommy Tyme!
Who doesn't love to grab a great book and sit out in the sunshine? Get lost in someone else's imagination for a few hours.... IT is an affordable vacation, and research indicates that it is relaxing and a fantastic resource for people who suffer from stress and anxiety! I am currently looking for an online Book Swap where people can pass books from one to another via USPS! However, I have been unable to locate one with books that I think I would enjoy! So, if you can't find one... You should start one? I have created a page on my web site : Mommy's Tyme at dedicated to finding members and participants for a national book swap! We will each read our book, comment/review it, and pass it on... We can list our books that we wish to use in participation and others can pick from the list. If you borrow a book, you have to be willing to submit a book (that is the only collateral we will have! I can't really issue Mommy Tyme library cards!) So, if you want to participate- check it out at
Today I wanted to share a couple of great books I have read this summer....
(Remember, you should never feel guilty for taking a few hours to yourself to read and enjoy a great book! As I said, it is great for stress disorders, anxiety, depression, blood pressure, etc.....)
GoodBye Earl by Jo-Ann Mapson
A Bad Girl Creek Novel
This is a well written, easy flowing read. I absolutely fell in love with the characters, the story line, and the trauma's these women were going through. Each character has at least one characteristic everyone can relate to. This is so well written, the characters seem like old friends you have known forever! Struggles of 4 women through an era in their life, dealing with broken hearts, children, loss of children, financial breakdown, disabilities, and hope... This one will make you laugh so hard at times, others will think you have cracked up! Then you will cry and ache for the characters in the next chapter. Fantastic A+ Novel that I recommend to any woman! You may not find all the characters to have a personal link to you, but there will be at least one you can't let go of! If you have not read any of the books by Joa-Ann Mapson, go out and grab one! Or check my site, as this one will be listed for the book swap!
Creepers by David Morrell
This is a thriller, mystery... Keeps you on the edge of your seat with lots of twists and turns! Once you start it, you will find it hard to put down. It is hard to believe the entire novel takes place in just a 24 hour period! It is crazy! If you have ever been curious about "urban dwellers" (the people who break in and explore old abandoned buildings, sewers, tunnels, etc) then this book is a must read! You will get to experience this new past time for many explorers and thrill seekers, first hand! What happens is unexpected and frightening, though! Relentless suspense! Well worth the cost of the book! Or, again, check out my web site and become a member of the book swap! Here is a great chance to experience novels for the price of postage! Check it out at
Have you read a great book lately? Take some time to share it here! Give me your insight and recommendations for great summer reads for Mommy!
Today I wanted to share a couple of great books I have read this summer....
(Remember, you should never feel guilty for taking a few hours to yourself to read and enjoy a great book! As I said, it is great for stress disorders, anxiety, depression, blood pressure, etc.....)
GoodBye Earl by Jo-Ann Mapson
A Bad Girl Creek Novel
This is a well written, easy flowing read. I absolutely fell in love with the characters, the story line, and the trauma's these women were going through. Each character has at least one characteristic everyone can relate to. This is so well written, the characters seem like old friends you have known forever! Struggles of 4 women through an era in their life, dealing with broken hearts, children, loss of children, financial breakdown, disabilities, and hope... This one will make you laugh so hard at times, others will think you have cracked up! Then you will cry and ache for the characters in the next chapter. Fantastic A+ Novel that I recommend to any woman! You may not find all the characters to have a personal link to you, but there will be at least one you can't let go of! If you have not read any of the books by Joa-Ann Mapson, go out and grab one! Or check my site, as this one will be listed for the book swap!
Creepers by David Morrell
This is a thriller, mystery... Keeps you on the edge of your seat with lots of twists and turns! Once you start it, you will find it hard to put down. It is hard to believe the entire novel takes place in just a 24 hour period! It is crazy! If you have ever been curious about "urban dwellers" (the people who break in and explore old abandoned buildings, sewers, tunnels, etc) then this book is a must read! You will get to experience this new past time for many explorers and thrill seekers, first hand! What happens is unexpected and frightening, though! Relentless suspense! Well worth the cost of the book! Or, again, check out my web site and become a member of the book swap! Here is a great chance to experience novels for the price of postage! Check it out at
Have you read a great book lately? Take some time to share it here! Give me your insight and recommendations for great summer reads for Mommy!
book reviews,
David Morrell,
Good Bye,
Goodbye Earl,
Jo Ann Mapson,
reviews of books,
summer books,
Friday, July 17, 2009
Just for Mommy!
Todays review is just for Mommy!
If you have recently reviewed Mommy's Tyme, my monthly updated web site for Mommy's and busy women- then you know the topic on the Mommy's page is how to keep the romance once kids come into the picture!
This is hard! I have listed some tips to get you a few moment of Mommy/Daddy time on the site, but when it has been a while, unfortunately that time either goes really quick, or you don't quite remember how to get it started. It's not like riding a bike- sadly!
So, in my great effort to spruce up those magical moments I have ran across a product Mommy like to try!
There is a new product out by Lifestyles (yes, the condom people)- but this is for mommy- only! It is a liquid/gel that is easily applied (two seconds, I swear!)- but can change the entire moment for you! I am embaressed writing this, but as a busy mom I know quantity is not as important as quality for Mommy/Daddy time, and too many marriages begin to break down due to the loss of intimacy. This is a great - 9.00 purchase- you can invest in your relationship to ensure that the quality remains. We all deserve to focus on us once in a while. And, I guarantee you, once your spouse realizes that you are enjoying the time with him, he will enjoy it that much better, too!
So, check it out at walgreens, osco, or any of your local drugstores. It is in the ocndom aisle, and it is just a tiny bottle you can hide in a drawer at home. Excite by Lifestyle!
If you have recently reviewed Mommy's Tyme, my monthly updated web site for Mommy's and busy women- then you know the topic on the Mommy's page is how to keep the romance once kids come into the picture!
This is hard! I have listed some tips to get you a few moment of Mommy/Daddy time on the site, but when it has been a while, unfortunately that time either goes really quick, or you don't quite remember how to get it started. It's not like riding a bike- sadly!
So, in my great effort to spruce up those magical moments I have ran across a product Mommy like to try!
There is a new product out by Lifestyles (yes, the condom people)- but this is for mommy- only! It is a liquid/gel that is easily applied (two seconds, I swear!)- but can change the entire moment for you! I am embaressed writing this, but as a busy mom I know quantity is not as important as quality for Mommy/Daddy time, and too many marriages begin to break down due to the loss of intimacy. This is a great - 9.00 purchase- you can invest in your relationship to ensure that the quality remains. We all deserve to focus on us once in a while. And, I guarantee you, once your spouse realizes that you are enjoying the time with him, he will enjoy it that much better, too!
So, check it out at walgreens, osco, or any of your local drugstores. It is in the ocndom aisle, and it is just a tiny bottle you can hide in a drawer at home. Excite by Lifestyle!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Free recipes, contests, more!
Here is a link to some great, healthy recipes. Also included are coupons, links to more recipes, and chances to win some free products like cast iron skillets! It is worth checking out, bookmarking or signing up for routine newsletters from....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
See me at Cafe Handmade
Monday, July 13, 2009
Create with your kids
Here is a fantastic way to create with your kids! Fun, cheap and GREEN! Teach your kids social responsibility while celebrating Christmas in July! Enjoy!
This craft is inexpensive and made with used lightbulbs. Start saving them now! An easy but very creative project that even the little ones can help with! Instill artistic interest at an early age and reap the creativity as they grow!
Check out this great link for the project!
This craft is inexpensive and made with used lightbulbs. Start saving them now! An easy but very creative project that even the little ones can help with! Instill artistic interest at an early age and reap the creativity as they grow!
Check out this great link for the project!
art projects,
arts and crafts,
Green crafts,
kids crafts,
light bulbs,
Kid Friendly Movie - Hotel For Dogs
Looking for a cute movie that your kids can watch? One that your kids can really watch? Check out Hotel for Dogs!
Lately it seems that the parental ratings are becoming less strict. Movies that are sneaking in under the G and PG rating tend to still have a few questionable topics or scenes that I am not always comfortable with my 4 year old seeing. However, this weekend I found a great family movie that we all enjoyed! Check out Hotel for Dogs by Nickelodeon. Kids will love the mishaps of the dogs, and older children receive a touching message about friendship and family. This was an action packed movie, with little down time, so my 4 year old was glued to the movie. I think most kids will get a kick out of the shenaninghans, and parents don't have to worry about any inappropriate scenes, language, or underlying topics! Enjoy. Pick it up at a Redbox in front of Walmart or Cub stores for only 1.00!
Lately it seems that the parental ratings are becoming less strict. Movies that are sneaking in under the G and PG rating tend to still have a few questionable topics or scenes that I am not always comfortable with my 4 year old seeing. However, this weekend I found a great family movie that we all enjoyed! Check out Hotel for Dogs by Nickelodeon. Kids will love the mishaps of the dogs, and older children receive a touching message about friendship and family. This was an action packed movie, with little down time, so my 4 year old was glued to the movie. I think most kids will get a kick out of the shenaninghans, and parents don't have to worry about any inappropriate scenes, language, or underlying topics! Enjoy. Pick it up at a Redbox in front of Walmart or Cub stores for only 1.00!
Tanning Products...
Once we hit our thirties, we really start to think about the damage we have done to our skin. Over the years, exposure to the sun has added wrinkles and time. Besides wanting to save the texture and clarity of my skin, the fear of skin cancer is always looming. I have begun to take precautions and protect my skin. This means no more tanning beds, no more laying out on the beach and soaking up the sun. But, I also do not want to have legs that glow in the dark at the next dinner party we attend!
Over the past few weeks I have tried several sunless tanning products to determine which ones are right for me. There is a ton of products to choose from on your drugstore shelves, and they are not cheap, so you want to make sure you get the right one!
Sunless Tanning Product Recommendations:
If you have time to build up a glow, the best choice is Jergens Natural Glow. This is a subtle tinter, that has room for error. If you do not get it on just right, no one can tell. It builds gradually, there is no orange tint to it, and there is no noticeable streaking. The only drawback is that it takes a while to dry into your skin. It will stain your clothes upon application so you have to stay in a towel after application for about 15 minutes. The scent is good, not over powering, and it softens skin like a typical lotion. This is a good value for less than 10.00! After 3 applications you will have a natural glow. Remember to keep applying, though, or the color will fade!
If you need an immediate tan, I recommend Loreal Sublime Glow. It is not overpowering, less streaky than other brands, lightly scented and dries quickly. I have not had problems with it staining clothes, but make sure you wait the full 10 minute drying time. This one adds color to your face and body. Creamy and smooth. The immediate tint helps you locate any spots you missed, and it is forgiving. You can quickly fill in spots, and there isn't any discoloration from different applications. Again, a good deal for under 10.00 for several applications!
I do not recommend any spray on self tanning products. Although they seem easier to apply, they do streak! Especially the neck area. These take a long time to dry, it is hard to determine if you missed a spot, the spray is not good for the environment, they have a lingering odor, and it takes several hours for the color to emerge!
Have you tried any tanning products lately? Which have you found the best? Do you have any tips for application? Feel free to share those ideas here....
Over the past few weeks I have tried several sunless tanning products to determine which ones are right for me. There is a ton of products to choose from on your drugstore shelves, and they are not cheap, so you want to make sure you get the right one!
Sunless Tanning Product Recommendations:
If you have time to build up a glow, the best choice is Jergens Natural Glow. This is a subtle tinter, that has room for error. If you do not get it on just right, no one can tell. It builds gradually, there is no orange tint to it, and there is no noticeable streaking. The only drawback is that it takes a while to dry into your skin. It will stain your clothes upon application so you have to stay in a towel after application for about 15 minutes. The scent is good, not over powering, and it softens skin like a typical lotion. This is a good value for less than 10.00! After 3 applications you will have a natural glow. Remember to keep applying, though, or the color will fade!
If you need an immediate tan, I recommend Loreal Sublime Glow. It is not overpowering, less streaky than other brands, lightly scented and dries quickly. I have not had problems with it staining clothes, but make sure you wait the full 10 minute drying time. This one adds color to your face and body. Creamy and smooth. The immediate tint helps you locate any spots you missed, and it is forgiving. You can quickly fill in spots, and there isn't any discoloration from different applications. Again, a good deal for under 10.00 for several applications!
I do not recommend any spray on self tanning products. Although they seem easier to apply, they do streak! Especially the neck area. These take a long time to dry, it is hard to determine if you missed a spot, the spray is not good for the environment, they have a lingering odor, and it takes several hours for the color to emerge!
Have you tried any tanning products lately? Which have you found the best? Do you have any tips for application? Feel free to share those ideas here....
In this economy, every penny counts! No one wants to spend money foolishly or make purchases that don't keep their promises. I started this blog (and you are welcome to comment, add a review, make a recommendation...) to help others before they lay their money on the table!
As a career woman, a woman in her 30's, and a mom, I am often trying new things. I am still looking for that magic potion that makes me feel 10 years younger, look hot, and able to accomplish all thousand things I need to finish today! I also want only the highest quality, safe products for my child and family!
Whenever possible I will refer you to freebies, extras and more that I find in my research! So keep posted, come back often, and add your own thoughts to the topics!
Welcome to Mommy's Reviews You can Use!
Don't forget to visit my other sites:
Mommy's Tyme website sponsored by my business and creations Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts
Mishaps of Mommy
And check out my social networks, my friends shops, and more listed on the sides!
As a career woman, a woman in her 30's, and a mom, I am often trying new things. I am still looking for that magic potion that makes me feel 10 years younger, look hot, and able to accomplish all thousand things I need to finish today! I also want only the highest quality, safe products for my child and family!
Whenever possible I will refer you to freebies, extras and more that I find in my research! So keep posted, come back often, and add your own thoughts to the topics!
Welcome to Mommy's Reviews You can Use!
Don't forget to visit my other sites:
Mommy's Tyme website sponsored by my business and creations Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts
Mishaps of Mommy
And check out my social networks, my friends shops, and more listed on the sides!
children movies,
kids movies,
safe for children,
skin care,
tanning products
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