Here we go...
How to Make an All Natural Laundry Detergent - oh, if I told you the stories of the chemicals in your laundry detergents you would shudder in fear... really!
In fact, at the end of this post I will leave you some links so you can check out the truth about the chemicals on your clothes.. but, for now, lets just have fun and make some great cleaning product for your laundry! It is safe, clean, and eco friendly- it is also less bulk and waste because you only need to use 2 TBS per load (it's true!), and it is safe on your septic! No harm to the water systems, no harm to the environment! so, what is the downside? None! It is incredibly cost effective, too! The ingredients are NOT hard to find, either!
Here is what you need:
Baking soda
Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
A Natural Castille Soap Bar (this can be ordered from a variety of company's, I find mine at true value, you may be able to order online, or if you want to give it a go right away, you can use Ivory soap!)
That is it! That is all! Now this is not a stain fighting, or whitening recipe. I do sell that version in my shop, but I can not call it all natural because the whitening and stain fighting agents are not 100% natural, but they are significantly less harmful and contain less chemical compounds than your other cleaning additives!
First get a large bowl and a shredder. Make sure all of your utensils and containers are CLEAN! I soak all of my items prior to use in SCALDING Hot water for about 10 minutes, then let air dry. You can add vinegar to the water, too!
First, Grate your bar of soap into the clean, dry bowl.

Next, I measure 2 cups of the ARM and HAMMER washing soda and mix into the bowl
Followed by 1 cup of Borax

Add 1/4 c. of baking soda
Mix it all together Well! That is it, that is all! Package in a large air tight container and you are set. Just add 2 TBS to your wash water before you add the clothes and you are Ready!
But, there are a few fun things you can do to make it your own product- you can give it some extra benefits by adding a stain fighting bar such as Fels Naptha (my favorite choice)! This gives it a fantastic clean scent and is really tough on stains, too! It adds a little coloring to your mix for fun, also. The key is to make sure all the ingredients are evenly distributed.
For whitening power you can add 1/4 c. of oxi clean, too! Again, not A NATURAL ingredient, but it is less harmful than bleach (do you want to hear my stories on that?)

For the items I will be selling at my shop, I have added fragrance from essential oils. If you choose to do that, you must bag your soap into a ziploc bag or sealed container of some type- you add 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil (remember, fragrance oil is not the same as essential oil) and you mix it all up. Leave it sealed for about 2 weeks to let the fragrance infuse your soap mix. Many essential oils have some intense anti bacterial, anti fungus, disinfecting powers all of their own that really boost your detergent- such as lemon essential oil, patchouli essential oil, eucalyptus essential oil.
If you want to know more about oils or natural ways to clean and make products- keep stopping by the blog! New recipes are added all the time, and the website hosts all kinds of fun ways to go GREEN!
Thanks for stopping by! I will be adding a great new natural way to add fabric softener to your laundry next week! Happy Washing! Have fun at the rest of the blog party!