Saturday, October 31, 2009

Reasons To Gather together for A Meal... Spend more family time!

10 Reasons to Have Family Meals More Often

When was the last time your family had a meal together? I don't mean sitting in the car munching on burgers from the drive-through. I mean sitting down at the table and sharing a home-cooked meal.

If you can't remember when you last enjoyed a family dinner, make plans to have them more often. Experts have found – and continue to discover - plenty of benefits for both children and adults when families have dinner together at least three times a week.

I know...I know, it's not always easy, so click here if you need help with meal planning and grocery shopping.

Here are 10 reasons why you should have family meals more often:

Good For The Body
1. When families eat together, everyone tends to eat healthier. People who have frequent family meals consume more calcium, fiber, iron, and vitamins B6, B12, C and E. It could be because home-cooked meals are healthier than fast food and restaurant meals. (Source: Archives of Family Medicine)

2. Children tend to eat more fruits and vegetables when they frequently have dinner with their families. They also tend to eat fewer snack foods. (Source: American Dietetic Association)

3. Children in families who eat dinner together are less likely to be overweight (Source: Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine). This makes sense, given the findings in #1 and #2 above.

Good For The Brain
4. Children from families who eat meals together get better grades than their peers who don't have lots of family meal times (Source: Lou Harris-Reader's Digest National Poll).
So family dinners are not only good for the body; they're also good for the brain.

5. When families eat together frequently, children have better language skills compared to kids from families who don't have family mealtimes often. (Source: Harvard

Good For Emotional Health
6. Children of families who eat together report feeling happier and are more optimistic about the future, than their peers who have infrequent family meals. (Source: Lou Harris-
Reader's Digest National Poll)

7. Teenagers are less likely to use drugs, smoke, and drink alcoholic drinks, when their families eat together regularly. (Source: Columbia University)

8. It may come as a surprise, but among Moms who work outside the home, those who have family mealtimes reported feeling less stress than those who had family dinners less
often. (Source: Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal)

9. The more often teen girls had meals with their families, the less likely they were to have symptoms of depression and suicidal behaviors. (Source: University of Minnesota)

Good For Family Bonding
10. Eating together gives family members the chance to communicate and build relationships, something that both adults and children appreciate very much. (Source: Nutrition Education Network of Washington & Oprah Winfrey's "Family Dinner Experiment")

I hope these reasons motivate you and your family to try and eat together more often. We're all busy - even children have plenty of after-school activities. But as the list above
shows, family meals are worth every effort we put into them. It helps to plan ahead so that we're not scrambling to get dinner ready or panicking because we don't have all the
ingredients we need.

To make it easier to get the family around the table with a home-cooked meal, check out Dine
Without Whine's menu planning service
. It costs just a penny to try it out!

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Friday, October 30, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

I will give you one month Front page advertising on my website at Banner and link I will give you one month advertising on my Spotlight page (avatar and link) at I will give you avatar size free advertising on my blog at Plus, check out any of my shops, pick one free giant bath bar and I will send that to your free! You won, so celebrate and relax! check out the shops at:http://www.MommyTyme.etsy.comMommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Win free twix candy bars:

Attention Crafters: Free E book, fun with fabric dye! This great little book has a ton of fun and easy craft projects you can create with a little bit of dye! Wow, dye sure is different from the old RIT boxes I used to use! Easy cleanup, nearly mistake proof, and washable! Check it out and see what you can create!

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Your Thoughts on our Children, Development, and Life

I found this fascinating quote today:

Now, after reading that... I am curious, what do you think we should do? 67% of infants die during their first month in the Western Culture? how Can that be? With all the advances in medical technology that we have? yet, those advances are not freely accessible to the poor, uneducated, and those in certain outlying areas... Is universal health care the solution? Or is this simply going to decrease the available services?Mommy Tyme, Your Thoughts on our Children, Development, and Life, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

See these Great Find, Articles, and giveaways you don't want to miss!

Get a free Burger if you visit McDonalds in costume...

Free Aquafresh toothpaste coupon...

Free 2Pk of Special Needs Diapers

Free Books and Audio Books!
Over 300 to choose from!

Hey, Looking for free advertising for your blog, site, shop, or really just about anything? check out the contest I have going on right Now at Mishaps of Mommy located at

You can win free banner, link, avatar advertising PLUS one of my Giant 5ounce butter bath bars!

Also, check out the new look at Mommy's Tyme shopping page! Super new deals when you are shopping handmade!

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Visit for A Contest/drawing! Win free advertising for one month and a great gift!

For 2 weeks I am doing a drive to get more subscribers here at Mishaps of Mommy! I love to help promote, and I want to share all the tips and tricks I learn along the way with you...
So, Here is what is up for grabs....

I will give you one month Front page advertising on my website at Banner and link
I will give you one month advertising on my Spotlight page (avatar and link) at
I will give you avatar size free advertising on my blog at
Plus, check out any of my shops, pick one free giant bath bar and I will send that to your free! You won, so celebrate and relax!
check out the shops at:

Here is what you have to do:
1. Subscribe to the blog here at Mishaps
2. Comment on what type of promoting, ideas, tips or tricks you need help with...

That is it! One free entry!
Want extra entries?

1. Follow me on facebook
2. Tweet this contest
3. Visit my shops and comment on which of the soaps you will choose
4. Subscribe to my other blog at
5. Sign the guestbook at my website

For each of the above, comment that you have completed it here and you will get an extra entry. Tweet me more than once, blog about this contest more than once, mention it here and I will add extra entries for you!

Grab my banner at the bottom of the page and get 5 extra entries! Leave a link here of where you posted it!

Have fun! This is a win! win! situation!

Visit to enter!

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Monday, October 26, 2009

With Halloween just around the corner, and so many last minute decorating, crafts, and cooking ideas you want to get going on... I thought I would share a few more that you just can't pass on!

Check out these great Halloween goodies and recipes!

Check out this free e cook book! How the heck can you turn away from that? Tips on how to use up that leftover candy, warm drinks that tickle your toes?, Meals to "die for"....

Vote for Mommy Tyme

Hey, Give Mommy Tyme a vote on the Great finds hosted this week at:

See a collection of great handmade items from various artisans!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Don't miss out!

Last day for the Fairy Gram costume give away at
If you want in, hurry!

Last day to vote for the winner of I spy challenge on Artisan Jewelry Designers
Visit to cast your vote!

Don't forget to promote yourself, your business, etc. There are some great freebies and deals at vista print this week! Yes, you can get 250 busines scards for free! No kidding! And, even if you do not have your own business, how about a MOM card- with numbers, address, cell- you can hand this out to your kids friends, the babysitter, play dates, church nursery, etc. Simplify- how many times a day do you hand out your number? Wouldn't this be easier?

Hey, and they have address labels, tshirts (that you can customize), magnets- whatever- How about for Christmas- a cool Tshirt you and the kids design for dad? Anyway, check it out:

Save 25-50% off on custom printed products at VistaPrint. Order today!

Ooops, I almost forgot the freebies this week- How about a 6 pack of hand dipped chocolate fruit totally free!

Free gourmet dog food sample! spoil those pups with something delicous and healthy- only 3 minutes to fill out the information- no long suurvey's - quick and easy!

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That is what I have for you this week! Hope you enjoy!

Hey, don't forget to stop by my shop and see the 99 cent sale on select soaps, bath products, and more (all handmade with skin loving ingredients!) I am doing a sales and clearance special at so come visit and get some great stocking stuffers and gifts for under a buck!

Blue Fuzzy Slipper

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Keep Your Pet Safe this Halloween....

Pet Safety Tips for Halloween

Unlike their owners, cats and dogs don’t always enjoy the fun spirit of Halloween. While we humans tend to get excited and go romping out into the neighborhood, frolicking through fallen leaves, ringing doorbells and bringing home the rewards of our labor in the form of sweet treats, many of our animal companions find this time quite stressful. Your pet does not realize the costumes and sounds are make-believe and the people behind those getups are just that…people. You may find that your animal will panic when you answer the door for trick-or-treaters or when you dress up in your Halloween costume.

Keeping Your Easily Agitated Pets Safe from Harm

If you’re hosting a party in your home or invite trick-or-treaters to your door, one of the best ways to keep Fido (and those who are visiting) safe is to remove him from the situation completely. You can kennel your animal somewhere else for the night or put them in a room that’s off limits to guests. If your cat or dog is normally skittish around people, it’s best to keep them away from all the commotion on Halloween.

While many animals will freak out from all the holiday hoopla, there are some who love it just as much, if not more than you do. Here are some tips to allow your people loving, socialite pet to get involved in the festivities in a safe way.

Let them enjoy your visitors – from a distance.

You may find that your pet is not bothered by the costumes at all. Maybe your puppy or kitty likes to go to the door and welcome your guests. If this is the case, make sure he or she does not dart out the door while you’re handing out treats. Try leashing your animal within a safe distance from the door so they can enjoy the guests while remaining safe inside.

This will also help the children who like to see the animals but don’t want to touch them or be close to them. Because animals scare some children while others get very excited and want to run toward them and be the aggressor, a leashed animal will help you stay in control of the situation and allow both the children and your pet to enjoy the experience.

Candy and Pets Don’t Mix

If you have children who will be trick-or-treating, you’ll have to pay careful attention to your pets once you return home for the night with the kids’ treats. While sorting and eating the goodies from the evening, make certain that all candy, especially chocolate, is out of the cat or dog’s reach. Chocolate, even in the tiniest amounts, can be deadly to animals. Refrain from letting your little ones dump their trick-or-treat bags and buckets on the floor to sort their candy. Instead, head to the dining room table or a counter to pick through the yummy treats.

You Know Your Pet Better Than Anyone

As the “parent” to your pet, you know his or her temperament better than anyone else. If this is your first Halloween with a pet, don’t be surprised if he or she doesn’t find the day as pleasurable as the other members of the family. Keep these simple, yet often overlooked safety tips in mind this year. By taking simple precautions beforehand to prepare for the night, you can ensure everyone in the family and all your guests have a healthy and safe Halloween.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Some Great Opportunities, Mom!

Cool Storage ideas for the crafter! Check these ingenious ideas out!
iCube Modular Craft Storage

Crafters! Scrapbookers! Teachers! Check out these deals on fantastic, fun, STICKERS!
Stickers Galore

Looking for ideas? Look here!

Have someone who is nuts for nuts on your holiday list? Check this out and save 15%! Plus, they will ship your gift anywhere!

Save 15% at Priester's Pecans

You have heard of pet insurance? Well, as a pet owner, I can tell you, costs can get ridiculous. I just spent 900.00 + because my dog was attacked by a ground hog- I found out about the insurcance after the incident, but I intend to keep my dogs for a long time, and so this really is a great plan- See what you think:
Pet Insurance from Pets Best - Premium as low as $19
Check out this crazy thing! I am not kidding- this is fantastic:

Finally, Don't forget about the Mommy Tyme Gifts Sale currently underway:

Buy Handmade
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Saturday, October 17, 2009

More Great Finds!

Another Great contest going on with Great Finds! Please take some time to check it all out!
Remember, you can always vote for Mommy Tyme! I have a handmade, multicolored in browns, oranges and golds, extra long and plush scarf posted this time! I would really appreciate your vote!

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Win these Great Eco Friendly Stamps !

Contest! Give Away! Favorite Crafts does it again!

I love stamping, don't you? What can't you spruce up with a simple stamp? And how versatile and unique can it become with glitter, a blend of your fav. colors? Wow! Well, how about a free set of eco friendly, reusable, durable stamps? Just in time for the holidays? Read below for more....

The following I found at :

Go to the link above to enter!

Review by Maria Nerius

This was a set of clear stamps. You will need an acrylic block to use these unmounted stamps. Images were of recycling, nature, and words. A total of 12 images are included in the set with one of those images being a border of 7 images. You just peel the image you want off the carrier sheet, place on acrylic block, and stamp away. You can also use several images to build a scene to stamp if you use a large acrylic block. The stamps can be cleaned with soap and water, then when dry placed back on the carrier sheet for storage out of sunlight.

Testing Feedback

* Very trendy theme. Loved being able to stamp Go Green and the recycle symbol onto my envelopes, stationary, and postcards.
* The clear stamps really make placement of image easy.
* I liked the variety in sizes of the images. The border was a nice touch.
* The word images had humor. My favorite was GOT AIR?
* Every image was useable, no fluff. I liked every image.

Win these Stamps!

We are giving away 1 set of Go Green stamps to 1 lucky winner

Go to:

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Halloween Crafts for you and your Kids! Fun!

Halloween Wreath Craft for Pre-School and Kindergarten Students

This is a fun project that you may want to break up across a couple of days, so be sure to start a few days before Halloween. Mom, you can join in the fun as well and make a Halloween wreath of your own too!

Material List

• Paper Plate (One per child/adult)
• Scissors
• Leaves
• Glue Sticks
• Orange Construction Papers
• White Construction Paper
• Black Construction Paper
• Washable Black Marker
• Black Yarn (optional)

Adult Preparation: (To Be Done Prior to Actual Wreath Making)

Cut the center from each paper plate prior to giving one to each child. These will be the base for the homemade wreaths.

Day 1: Grab the kids and head outdoors.

Gather as many fallen leaves of different shapes and colors as you can find. Once you’ve collected enough leaves to cover each paper plate, head back inside and glue them to the paper plates. You can glue the leaves to cover the entire plate, randomly around the plate or even as a border around only the edge, whichever you prefer. Once you’ve glued the leaves to the paper plate, leave the plates to dry for 24 hours or at least overnight.

Day 2: Creativity

Depending on how much time you have to complete this project you can have the children do the next step after the leaves have been glued on, while you’re waiting for them to dry or you can make another day of it.
Let the children draw Halloween images on the construction paper. Here are some ideas for each color of paper:

Orange – Pumpkins (Use the black marker to draw the face on their pumpkins)

White – Ghosts, Mummies, Bones

Black – Cats, Witch Hats (You can use the yarn to put a tail on the cat and hair on the witches head if you’d like to put that under the hat)

Once the children have picked out and drawn which decorations they’ll be using, carefully cut them out and paste them to the wreath.

Tip: Pre-placement (before gluing) will give the child an idea of what the wreath will look like once it is all glued together. When the children are happy with the way the decorations are placed, it’s time to glue them to the leaves.

Again, allow the decorations to dry completely.

Day 3: Decorating Time

Congratulations! You’ve made your very own homemade Halloween wreath. Enjoy your child’s creation by hanging it on the front door or his or her bedroom door for all your friends and family to see and admire.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Don't look now, but school's here! Are you ready for one of the biggest challenges for Moms of school-age kids - preparing school lunches day after day?

There's hope and help for you yet. Here are 7 back-to-school lunch tips. Hey, I can't come over and make your kids' lunches for you, but these tips will surely make it much easier:

1. Make dinner do double-duty

You're already in the kitchen preparing your family's dinner, why not use that time to get a head-start on the next day's brown bag lunches?

Make a double batch of meals that taste just as good "the morning after," you know, like fried chicken. Or cook dishes that can be transformed into something "new", such as pasta sauce that's just as yummy as pizza topping (on ready-made crust of course).

To make meal planning easier, take a look at Dine Without Whine. It's a monthly service for planning your family's meals and grocery shopping.

2. Include lunches when meal planning

To do tip #1, you need to be more organized. This means including your kids' lunches when planning your family dinners.

3. Let the kids participate

Lighten your load and teach your children some important life skills at the same time. Even small children can help prepare their lunches.

If morning is too stressful, then make this an after-dinner activity - which brings us to...

4. Make advance preparations

Do whatever you can do ahead of time. For example, cook in batches on the weekend, or put leftovers in packable containers the night before.

5. DIY fast food

Commercial packed lunches are attractive but unhealthy. But who says you can't make your own? Buy your own colorful and attractive lunch boxes, such as a bento-style lunchbox.

Fill it up with a variety of healthy food. Think of mixing up foods with different textures and colors. And cut them up into small pieces so they're easy and fast to eat.

6. Soup it Up

Soup makes a quick and healthy lunch. You can cook a large pot in the weekend and pack it in a thermos for a warm and satisfying lunch. Serve with whole wheat bread and some fresh fruit and you've got a complete meal!

7. Sprinkle in some fun

Sneak a little surprise into your child's lunchbox once in a while. It could be a little chocolate treat, stickers, or a sweet note from you. Getting something unexpected makes lunch fun.

With planning and creativity, your children can have healthy, delicious lunches without too much work for you.

For meal planning help, go to Dine Without Whine. It makes meal planning a breeze, while helping you save time and money.

Then you'll have time and energy for those school lunches.

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Dine Without Whine - A Family Friendly Weekly Menu Plan

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Help with my shop! Sale at Mommy Tyme bath and gifts...

I wanted to let my readers in on my sale at Mommy Tyme... I am closing out on select spring fragrances until next year, so lotions are drastically discounted, spring spritz's, certain handmade soaps, and in the spirit of the holiday season... I have cut prices on my scarves and accessories! I hope you take a minute to explore my shop and let me know what you think, what you would like to see more of, etc. I know that customers are the foundation of any good business, so what am I missing? Are there colors that you would be more interested in? fragrances? collections? baskets? gift sets?

I could sure use the advice of avid shoppers, so check out my shop, or just look at my widget below and let me know what you think....

Buy Handmade

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Easy dinner recipes with potatoes, cheap and yummy! Plus, fast!

Recipes, here come some more....

I love to share recipes I find on the web because I think often we get stuck in a dinnertime rut with our family! We spend so much time trying to cook this big elaborate meal, then it takes 5 minutes for the family to "whoof" it down! You have then lost those hours preparing that you could have spent quality time with them! Now, there are some of us who love to cook- me being one of them, but after 8 hours at the office, then I have a chapter I need to study for my class, plus finish making a piece or two for my shop, I really don't want to spend 2 hours getting a meal together. What works best for me is simple meals during the week, and the big deals on the weekend. Also, taking a few minutes on the weekend to plan out the meals for the week ahead really helps, too. So, whenever I run across a quick tip, I am always anxious to share it-
Nubella provides some great recipes, and they always are updated! That is one reason I return to this site over and over again.

Now is the perfect time for potatoes, they are cheap at the store, they are in season if you grew them yourself, they are warm and filling- and almost everyone will eat a potato in one form or another! So, today I am sharing some potato recipes with you:,com_recipes/Itemid,94/task,detail/rid,5772/s,2/r,potato/

Potatoes and dill- this one is easy- throw it in the pan and forget about it:,com_recipes/Itemid,94/task,detail/rid,3178/s,5/r,potato/

Cheesy grill potatoes- probably not the healthy choice on the plate, but pair it with skinless boneless chicken or salmon, and it all evens out, right?,com_recipes/Itemid,94/task,detail/rid,4642/s,2/r,potato/

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

The reason it's difficult for most small businesses and online marketers is that the majority of popular site promotion strategies either take up A LOT of time, cost a lot of money, or are too risky. Right?Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

You can place your widget everywhere! Social networks (in the text section), blogs, web sites, etc! This will get you noticed, but also, your tags for the items on this widget are being found, as well as, you Name! That is a key factor- if you have several shops, make sure you use the same name, the same introduction, etc. That will increase you in the search ranks!Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

Friday, October 9, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: A New You....Make some changes Now- Learn to Live your life!

I found this fascinating quote today:

Remember those pre-child days when you would go out to a fancy restaurant or spend the weekend at a romantic get-away to celebrate Valentine’s Day? That may not be an option this year, but you can still enjoy a romantic dinner with your spouse. Here are a few ideas on how you can easily create a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner at home.Mommy Tyme, A New You....Make some changes Now- Learn to Live your life!, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.


See the New contests, the winners, the articles on health, safety, kids, craft ideas, holidays and more... Feature on a great jewelry artisan, too!
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Fairy Gram - Fairy Costume Review Giveaway | BabasFarmLife

Fairy Gram - Fairy Costume Review Giveaway | BabasFarmLife

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

More Freebies, Recipes and all that good stuff!

Some more Freebies!

Free Pizza- Delivered! A tiny little survey, 5 minutes tops!

Free Cooking and test kitchen items- free subscription to the Cooking magazine! Now, this one does require a trial period, and decision to cancel or continue with participation- so read it all!

Great recipe for quick red beans! Yummy for the cold nights ahead!

A ton of crock pot dinners! What is easier than the crock pot! I personally think this is one of the greatest inventions ever! Check it out!

Free Dinner Planning Menu, grocery lists and more! This is the way to go! Try it before you buy this money saving, time saving, affordable plan! Someone else takes all the guesswork and planning out of the equation! How easy is that? Healthy, simple, quick meals for your family:

Free Dinner Planning & Grocery Shopping Sheets

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Dont forget about your holiday shopping! Stop by one of my Mommy Tyme shops and pick up your stocking stuffers and last minute gifts! Lots of handmade bath, body, skin care, jewelry and more to choose from! Tons under 5.00!

Buy Handmade
Five Easy Toning Exercises you can Do Anywhere

Exercise is an important part of our lives. Staying in shape is one way to increase your life expectancy. Weight bearing exercises are important also for increasing muscle mass and bone density as you age.

Most of us have learned what to do when it comes to exercising. The problem is where and when to get the job done. With a busy lifestyle, making time for exercise is a challenge.

Weight bearing exercises aren’t just for bodybuilders. As you age, especially once you hit the age of forty, you begin to lose muscle mass. For women especially, bone loss becomes a problem. When the body is in need of calcium it can rob it from your bones. Building muscle not only increases their mass but your strength.

Here are five easy toning exercises that can be done anywhere and whenever you have time. At home, at the office, or on vacation, you can do these easy yet extremely effective exercises.

1. The Bridge Butt Lift – Sounds like a plastic surgery technique but it is an easy way to tone your buttocks. Lay down with feet flat on the floor, legs shoulder width apart. Place your hands, palm side down, on either side of your body. Pushing with your feet, squeeze your gluteal muscles and lift your butt off the floor. Hold the position for a count of five to ten and release down to the floor.

2. Squats – Squats work the butt, the hamstring muscles and the quadriceps. If you aren’t sure of proper form, you can use a chair. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and feet firmly planted. Push your butt back as if you were preparing to sit in a chair. Keep your abs tight and your upper body straight. Once you reach chair level stop and hold the position for a count of two to five and release. At the lowest point, place all of your weight on your heels for balance and maximum toning.

3. Reverse Lunges – Lunges work the quadriceps muscles. They can be hard for people with knee problems. A reverse lunge still tones the right muscle groups but with less pressure on the knee. Stand with feet together and arms at your sides. Take one leg and move it backwards until you are in lunge position: front leg bent at a 90 degree angle and back leg extended until you are on the ball of your foot. From this position lower yourself down until the back knee almost touches the floor. Hold for a count of two and return to starting position.

4. Pushups – This is a classic toning exercise that works all areas of the arms plus the chest muscles. If you aren’t comfortable or strong enough to perform a pushup on your toes, lower your body to your knees. Be sure your arms are tucked into the body and your back straight as you lower and lift your body.

5. Crunches – Abdominal muscles can be worked every day to build strength and muscle tone. Lying on the floor in sit up position, lace your fingers behind your head. Squeezing your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body until your lower back is about to come off the floor. Hold for two to five counts and return to starting position.

These five exercise moves can be done whenever you have time. The best thing about exercise is that its effects are cumulative. Even five or ten minutes at a time will work to your advantage.

If you liked this, please visit my blog: for more! There is always some helpful advice on health, wellness, links, freebies and more... I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget- 10.00 shopping spree giveaway at A New You

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Give Mommy Tyme a Vote!

Hi my dear readers...

Can you give me a vote at :

Voting is to the left of the page! I have the black caplet, neckwarmer, etc entered. Very versatile and can be worn many ways! Neckwarmer, cape,scarf, shawl, etc! Please vote for Mommy Tyme!

We Have a Winner

Thanks to all who participated inthe contes here at Mommys Reviews for the Mommy Tyme Butter Bar! We have a Winner! Tracy Cornell from Braggin Rights! We had a total of 10 entries, and I used the random integer machine which gave me the second entry. So, going down in chronological order from last to first, the second entry is from Tracy! Congratulations!

Tracy, simpley contact me with your a ddress at and choose your scent! Any scent or blend- butter bars, bath bars, etc.

Thanks for all who entered! Remember, there is still time to enter the contest I have at A New You!

Thanks Everyone!

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

reBlog from Mommy Tyme: Mishaps of Mommy

I found this fascinating quote today:

Get the most out of your twitter account! There are tons of ways to use twitter to really get the traffic to your shops. If you aren't using twitter, you are losing potential customers.Mommy Tyme, Mishaps of Mommy, Oct 2009

You should read the whole article.

Can You Stumble Me, Please?

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