Sunday, October 3, 2010

Talent is the Flame, Genius is the Fire - Post your Work !

Well, for the past few weeks I have been showing off a variety of shops and handmade works here at the that fit the theme "Talent is the Flame, Genius is the Fire".   I found that saying one day while looking for a quote for a card I was making- and I just fell in love with it.  It is inspiring, and comforting (I think!).  My take on it is that talent sparks the fire that is your genius.  Your genius can emerge in many manners, including your form of art.  But, this not only applies to art, but to everything in your life- the talent sparks it, but your pursuit and your mastery of the skill is the fire of genius.  I think this can be related to academics, physical endeavors, sports, relationships, etc.  We all posess some spark of talent for each area of our lives, but the diligent pursuit of this talent and skill is what feeds the fire. So, if you have not checked out any of the cool shops or items I have been hosting, browse through the archive or recent posts and see these delectable pieces from Etsy and Winkelf!

Now I want to show off the piece I was trying to create that became the motivation for my pursuit of "Genius is Fire"- Iam not saying this is genius, but it is my own pattern that I have been working on for a while, and after many many attempts I think I have it nailed.  With that, I went for colors of fire and flame- bold yellows, oranges, burnt colors, and then some bright sunny orange and yellows to filter the darkness and make it "pop".  So I am calling this my Fire Scarf.  The pattern is actually really easy with some basic crochet skills and I am now attempting to master the conversion of a word document to a PDF so I can share it!  So, if you are interested in nabbing the pattern, stop back by and I will let you know when it is posted!  In the meantime, thoughts on this scarf?  Do you have any recent works that fit the theme "Talent is the Flame, Genius is the Fire"?  If so, list them!  I am looking for all Genius works here!  Once you post, I will show you off here and my other blog and website! So- just send me the URL of your HOT Item!


You can find this at

Post the URL to your favorite Genius project in the comments section of this post then look for it at an upcoming post here, and at http://mommysreviewsyoucanuse.blogspot,com

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