Monday, August 31, 2009

Chemical Free Gardening

Organic Chemical Free Gardening

Every year, thousand of chemicals are poured into the environment and millions of gallons of water are needlessly wasted. How? By growing plants. Sure, most of this is done by large agricultural producers, but some of it is still done in personal gardens. And that means that you can make a difference by changing your gardening practices. There are many agricultural producers who have done it, and you can use the same tricks to help your own garden, and the planet.

Pick appropriate plants. Not all plants are appropriate for the area you live in. While you might be able to control the temperature, humidity, and rain conditions inside your house, you can’t do it out in the garden. If you pick appropriate plants for your area, you may be able to avoid using fertilizers and saving on water too. Research, what plants are native to your surrounding areas and try planting them in your own garden. Wildflowers, are just that, they can pretty much be left alone and will thrive in most areas.

Pick natural repelling plants. You don’t need to rely on poisons to keep away garden ruining pests. Many plants produce chemicals that repel these animals naturally. By putting them in or around you garden, you can keep your garden safe with little effort and no chemicals. Plus, you can pick parts of these plants and use them to make products to keep them away from you too.

If you don’t want to plant natural repellents in your garden, you can use them to spray your plants without harming them or adding artificial chemicals to your garden. Many herbs like hot pepper, vanilla, and lavender can help repel insects from your garden.

Pull weeds. We’re all looking for a quick and easy way to safely get rid of weeds without chemicals, but the good old fashioned way is still very effective. It you take time every day to pull the weeds you can find, you’ll only take a few minutes so it doesn’t seem like a lot of work. You can even get the kids involved, just be sure to do it properly so you don’t spread the seeds around. There are even some common weeds that are edible, just make sure there are no pesticides that could have gotten on them.

Crop rotation. Farmers all over the world use crop rotation to naturally fertilize plants. The concept is to change what crop you’re putting in a certain field each year. Plants use different nutrients and put other nutrients back into the soil. If you rotate crops that replace the nutrients the other plants use, you will have to fertilize the soil less.

You can use this same concept in your garden by planting different plants every year, or just rotating where you put specific plants in the garden.

So, you’ve made all these changes and are using a low-water, chemical free garden? Well, you still haven’t done the most important thing: pass it on! One garden can make a dent, but more can make a bigger difference. Tell your friends, teach your kids, you can even visit their school and teach your kids friends! Every little bit helps make a better world.

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Natural Cleaning Article Bundle

Women's Beauty & Fashion Research Bundle

Like the natural approach? Check out what is new at Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts! Visit

See even more like the great Butter Bar made with organic cocoa butter, lanolin, organic vegetable glycerin, and essential oils. See the bars on sale at
Hi all. I wanted to take a moment to share an email I received today- I realize this is a form email (so to speak), but it really, truly offended me. I belong to several social networks and I take time to read most of the invites, emails, etc. that I receive. Many time does not allow me to attend, but I do acknowledge the fact that my social network friends thought to invite me. I also read sales pitches and have been added to many vendors email lists. If it is something I am not interested in, I just delete it. I never send rude or hurtful mails back to people. I am a member of facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, etc. so I receive tons of mail. I also have my own webstie, 4 stores, and 3 blogs- so I expect a lot of mail. Today, however, I received the following:

"Hello Valerie,

This message serves as notification that you will not receive any more courtesy notices from our members for two days. Messages you have sent will remain in a lower priority queue for our member to review at their leisure.

Future messages will be more likely to be viewed if you are on our member's priority Guest List. "

Now, currently I do not belong to Boxbe, nor do I have the time or interest to set up an account. I feel as if I am being blackmailed into doing this, otherwise individuals will not receive my emails. I am unfamiliar with Boxbe, so could someone please enlighten me. Does the user have control over these settings? Is this the users choice? Or is it automatic? Do you think receiving messages like this are rude? Or am I overreacting? I am just curious on your thoughts...

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Here come this week's freebies I would like to share....

I received a ton of information this week on coupons, deals and freebies... I hope we have room for all of this. Also, what do you think of the new layout? Please comment, I am trying to find the perfect visual without boring you to death!

Free Flip Flops from Talbots

Here is a fantastic site of games, learning materials and more for you and your kid's. All ages included!

Health, food, and various coupon savings by completing a quick, short survey HERE

Green Works Laundry products coupons and freebies...

Please let me know if any of the links provided do not work. I check most before I post, and many I participate in myself. If for some reason they do not link I would like to be able to fix this for you.

Check out this free pattern for making a Yarn Ball Wreath- Cute and Easy- even the kids can get in on this one!

Looking for more great decorating ideas? Beautiful wreaths? How about wine lights- Check out my workshop at:

Finally- want to make some extra cash? Tired of the pennies you get from some advertising programs? Try this- I use it and am very pleased thus far! You choose who advertises on your site/blog, etc. You decide what products to promote, you give your readers the bargains!

LinkShare Referral Program

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Friday, August 28, 2009

More today! Women's health, freebies, samples and more!

I have a lot to share with you today... Yeah! Hope your ready.

For starters, free sample of Dove products. This takes some survey completion, but not more than a few minutes. I would love to hear about your wait time once you complete the survey and the product arrives. This helps me in the future to let other's know...PS if a link does not work for you, please let me know. I try them all before I post, but you never know with glitches!

Do You take the Yaz birth control pill? when it first came out, most of us thought "wow" that is a great idea- less cramps, clear up our acne, decrease our PMDD! Right? Now, it is coming out the ads were misleading and there are some serious side effects. See some of the listed effects below:
Yaz Injuries

Women taking Yaz or the related drug, called Yasmin, to avoid becoming pregnant or to treat PMDD or severe acne have reported suffering the following kinds of injuries:

* Stroke
* Blood clots
* Heart attack
* Rash
* Hives
* Difficulty breathing
* Chest tightness
* Vision problems
* Cancers of the reproductive organs and breasts
* Gallbladder disease
* Liver cancer
* Inflammation of the pancreas
* Other serious and deadly health complications
If you take Yaz, you may want to consult your doctor now. If you think you are suffering from any of these or need more information click the link below:

Do you have a blog? Website? Want to make money from the site? Try this, totally free:

Always trying to find the perfect gift? Try this- reasonable, some free ideas and more... These are not the plain old cookies or brownies you have seen before- these are creative and fun ideas. You could make money at your next bazaar with these ingenious ideas!

Gift Mix in a Jar

When is the last time you treated yourself to a really good cup of coffee? This is a great deal- wonderful taste, aroma, and VERY affordable. You deserve a treat!

Gift Mix in a Jar

Have a website of blog? Why not make a little money with it? Try this free program that gives you all the tools you need?


Free Taco's from Taco Bell! Yes, FREE! You have to complete a survey, takes about 5 minutes! Let me know how quickly you get a response and share with our other followers!

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Don't forget to check out Mommy Tyme Sampler listed on Etsy and Made it Myself this week! Receive a sampler of mini soaps and lip balm for under 2.00 in a cute gift bag! Check it out at

Thursday, August 27, 2009

reBlog from Mommyn Tyme: Mommy Tyme's Words of Wisdom

I found this fascinating quote today:

You may decide to go with a more natural, less harsh approach to your beauty and skin care. The trend in the past decade has been towards a more natural, glowing skin. I.e.- the downpour of the mineral makeup, the organic make ups, etc. Well, how about some natural bath, body and lotion products. Visit my shop at http://www.MommyTyme.etsy and check out the new line of butter bars. These bars keep you hydrated with organic high grade cocoa butter, while producing a sensual bath or shower experience with rich lather, luscious skin softeners such as jojoba oil, aloe, and organic almond oil, followed with long lasting subtle fragrances (freesia, Angel, Secret Crush, or grapefruit). Or, if you order directly from the blog by sending an email to with Butter bar in the subject- I will give you the bar for 10% off Etsy price (that is 2.25!) What a steal!Mommyn Tyme, Mommy Tyme's Words of Wisdom, Aug 2009

You should read the whole article.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Recipes- healthy, cheap and easy Weight Loss Sabotage Free Tazo Tea, free ebooks for crafters, MORE!

Some Yummy, healthy, low calorie, low fat recipes you can't miss out on...

Share these with your family and friends at your next big event, or just for dinner this week!

Strawberry mousse- super quick and easy

Tropical fruit salad

Free sample of Tazo tea Here

Trying to lose those extra poounds? Well here is an article you do not want to miss- the 10 WORST deserts for weight loss- these actaully hinder your chances to lose weight!

Looking for freebies for baby? Have an upcoming shower or a friend who is due? Don't miss out on these. Just sign up and you will receive valuable coupons, freebies, samples and more!

Crafters, Crafters, Crafters...

See the link below for FREE e books for every craft imaginable. No catch. I use this site all the time. They are literally FREE.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Unique, personalized gifts...

This is such a cool idea- you have to check it out. Personalize just about anything fun for your child- and it is so affordable! Really. The holidays are coming and you won't want to miss giving that special child in your life something really unique!

Ratatouille 468x60banner

Affordable, easy, recipes! Even the Kids will love...

I want to take a moment and share a new program with you, "Dine without Whine"- sound crazy? Well, what if you could have your entire month of easy, simple meals planned out for you? They are healthy, yummy, and even your kids will eat them? Not only that, they are affordable and come with a grocery list that will save you money and time? Sound good? What if you could try this fantastic service for just a penny! No obligation, just try it... Too good to be true? Well, it's not. It is true. These are fantastic meals designed to be nutritional, affordable, quick and easy for the busy mom, and yummy enough for the kids! The menu comes with a grocery list that has EVERYTHING you will need on it- you just need to browse your shelves and see what you already have, cross it off the list, and then get the rest. Piece of cake, saves money and saves time! I highly recommend you check this out- Dine without Whine! Then share with us, what you think?

For a sample click the link here! Dine Without Whine Sample

Dine Without Whine - Menu Planning

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Don't forget your Pets!

For your dog or loved pet....

As many of my loyal shoppers know, I recently introduced a pet shampoo that is fantastic! It is rich with essential oils that are fantastic for your pet's coat and shine- even substantially decreases the odor! If you check out my web site you can see some testimonials of the product! I have 16 and 8 ounce bottles! They contain a variety of hand blended ingredients including lavender oil, bergamot, pine oil, eucalyptus for skin rash, infection and care, and much much more... One bottle lasts and lasts. Rich lather that is easy to rinse.

You can see my sale on Mommy's Pet shampoo at:

Recently I found some fantastic deals and bargains at a new outlet called Fetch Dog! I love these products, since I have 2 VERY Large DOGS! See an array of products including toys, food, care, grooming, underground fencing and so much more. I was so impressed with this company, I became an affiliate! Seriously, check out the prices and the value!

See the video in the upper right corner of this page for more information on these products and the many others they have!

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2 Free Airline tickets?

I had to get htis one out, quick! It says the tickets do not expire, however, I think the deadline to complete the questionnaire, does. So, 2 free airline tickets!

For whomever checks into this... Please share with us if there is a catch, how it works, how difficult it is...And, are there restrictions? I can not personally endorse because I won't be taking a trip anytime soon. My husband broke his leg recently at work, so he is non ambulatory!

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Free online recipes- check it out!

One of many reasons why people love the internet is due to the remarkably quick and painless way you can locate information. Within seconds, you can find a library of knowledge relating to almost any topic imaginable. While many of us don’t utilize the internet for in-depth research, one way most of us can enjoy the convenience and power of the internet is by locating free online recipes.

Barely 15 years ago it seemed impossible that in a few short years, millions upon millions of recipes covering almost every dish would be readily available at their fingertips. Since the future is here, here are the many ways to cash in on free online recipes.

Obviously the free online recipes are extremely practical because you access a recipe in a matter of seconds. While a lot use a search engine like Google, many people often have their favorite recipe websites that offer vast amounts of recipes. Just input a key word or keyword phrase like “chili” or “chicken soup” and you will usually find a few to hundreds of useful recipes.

In addition to being easy to access, a lot of recipe websites are full of people that enjoy cooking, have their own favorite recipes and enjoy adding recipes to the database for others to use. These community recipe websites are a great way to share knowledge. In addition, a lot of recipe websites offer the ability to add comments. So whether you love a recipe or not, you can simply share your thoughts with others. This is a great way to try out a recipe (especially if many people liked it) or avoid it the recipe if it received bad reviews.

In addition to being able to view recipes on your computer screen, many cooks take it one step further- they print out their favorite recipes. It is incredibly easy to print out recipes and many free online recipe sites offer the option of special recipe formatted files which make it a snap to print out your favorite recipes. This way you no longer have to worry about ruining the recipe card while you cook or losing it. If you spill liquid on it, you can easily print it out again.

In addition to all these advantages, a lot of free online recipe sites have taken it one step further in providing quality information on how to cook specific meals. Many free online recipe sites now provide images and some even include videos describing step by step how to create a moderate to difficult dish.

Free online recipe web sites are perhaps the quickest way to locate new recipes, read reviews, and chat about the newest or best techniques on cooking and sharing with millions your prized or time honored family recipe. Free online recipe websites are truly the ultimate home recipe box.
Author Resource - For a large collection of family friendly free online recipes visit

Article From

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Friday, August 21, 2009

Fun stuff to check out...

Be the Queen Party giver for your kids... Check out this great idea...

Fun Pumpkins

Get your child ready for Kindergarten- or a great gift for family and friends...

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Some more freebies and extra's

Online television? Yes, that is what is coming next... Pretty soon the obsolete 32" plasma in your living room will be a relic... They say that the new wave is clear, hi def, internet tv- What do you think?

Here is a link for a free trial of the current technology-

If you have tried this, let me know.. Share it here! I just figured out my universal remote and certainly am not ready for this new wave of techy stuff! share your experiences here!

Time To sparkle and Shine ?August Gift Basket Giveaway! This is for the crafters out there! A really cool basket of supplies to create awesome one of a kind jewelry! Enter for free!

Free Wisk detergent for giving your opinion! Wow, that is really easy. Let me know if there is more to it than that, I personally have not done this one yet! Check it out!

Ok, Mom's- free CD Rom, activity books, and fun filled newsletters for the kids- just for signing up! Free to start. Again, I have not tried this one, so let me know if there is a catch. I hate to promote something that bites you later!

Publix Preschool Pals

Well, that is all I have for this week! Remember to check out my other blogs as I often post freebies and extra's on those, too!

I am currently looking for anyone who would like to share some thoughts, tips, tricks on getting your finances under control. I know this is a tough time, especially for Mom's! We tend to worry and stress a little more than our male counterparts- so, share some thoughts, ideas, or even your worries here and let's see if we can't find solutions together.

The other thing I am looking for this week is at home business opportunities for mom's and women! I don't know about you, but I could use some supplemental income, so if there are any WAHM's out there who want to share their programs or businesses- or even affiliate businesses that you are aware of- The floor is open!

Visit the blogs at:

A New you

Mishaps of Mommy

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Free Stuff

I am always on the hunt for freebies and coupons- so, here are a few I found this week...

Free fries and drink at McDonald's with the new Angus Burger purchase

Free healthy snack samples

Free Jessica Parker Parfum- this one is a contest/drawing

However, on that note- I personally will endorse this fragrance. I am not a Jessica Parker fan, and typically I create my own fragrances, but this came as a gift last Xmas. I adore it. Not too sultry or sexy, but definitely not Cute! My husband actually loved it (really must spark the pheromones)- so, I say sign up and try to win it!

And I have to add this one: The Potty Project!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Windows still doesn’t clean up its temp files

Free online guidance and directions for simple to complex computer and internet issues on your system. Try some of these tips before you spend 30.00 here and another 40.00 there for spyware removal, clean up programs, security systems, etc. Check it out. Please post a comment on this blog telling others if this helped, was a waste of time, or really saved you some dough...

Windows still doesn’t clean up its temp files

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Entertaining your child on a Tight Budget

If you are currently following my blog, A New You at you are aware that I am currently working on keeping my finances under control, looking for ways to cut expenses, and save money. In doing that, I am having to find new unique ways to have fun with my son (age 4) that does not cost an arm and a leg. Below are a few things I have tried this week with him and found that he really enjoys...

1. Movie time- this week we hit the red box (1.00 a night) and got the movie Caroline. This was a really good movie and had a great message for kids. My son is 4 and he seemed to understand most of the underlying messages, but if your child is much younger than that, I would wait a while. There are some scary graphics ( a cat eats a rat, there is a spider monster, etc), but for the most part it was really fun. Tim Burton always takes movies to a new level, and this was not a disappointment. In fact, the message is really appropriate for what my family is currently trying to do, Not Waste Money. The story line is very similar in that Caroline's family is not wealthy, and Caroline can not have everything she wants. She is lonely, and her parents work a lot, but they really love her. Caroline gets pulled into another world where she is given everything she wants, but she soon learns the grass is not always greener on the other side. Below is a link to the trailer you can watch. If you have kids 5 and up, this is a great movie.

2. Treasure Walks- this also goes along with my commitments made in the A New You blog, as my son and I take several walks a week down the trails and find treasures. My son looks for pine cones, leaves, etc. We bring them home, he pastes them on his "art" and we get a chance to talk about nature, changes, etc. This is just me and him time. He looks forward to it, as do I. This is free, easy and fun. I think the quality time we spend is important, and for him this is a huge adventure. Simultaneously, I am getting some REAL exercise.

What are some cheap, fun ways you spend time with your kids? Have entertainment ideas for people on a tight budget? Share them here. Remember, every person who comments, subscribes or participates in the blog, web site, etc. is automatically entered into a drawing for free goodies from Mommy Tyme Bath and Gifts.

(visit for more details)
I invite all of you to visit the blog: Mishaps of Mommy
This blog will help you avoid some of the mistakes I have made in attempting to sell online, sell at flea markets, etc. Also, find the tips, tricks, and methods for creating stores, promoting your items and more... Check it out at:

See what's new at Mommy's Tyme this month- great sales, spotlights, and more!


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Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to Earn Easy Money and Free Electronics |

I often read through the EHow's to find fun, new things to create. However, this one caught my eye for the WAHM and stay at home mom's looking to earn some extra money. Check out the info below... Has anyone done this? How did it turn out? I am curious to hear about everyone's experience with this.

How to Earn Easy Money and Free Electronics |

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