Monday, August 31, 2009

Here come this week's freebies I would like to share....

I received a ton of information this week on coupons, deals and freebies... I hope we have room for all of this. Also, what do you think of the new layout? Please comment, I am trying to find the perfect visual without boring you to death!

Free Flip Flops from Talbots

Here is a fantastic site of games, learning materials and more for you and your kid's. All ages included!

Health, food, and various coupon savings by completing a quick, short survey HERE

Green Works Laundry products coupons and freebies...

Please let me know if any of the links provided do not work. I check most before I post, and many I participate in myself. If for some reason they do not link I would like to be able to fix this for you.

Check out this free pattern for making a Yarn Ball Wreath- Cute and Easy- even the kids can get in on this one!

Looking for more great decorating ideas? Beautiful wreaths? How about wine lights- Check out my workshop at:

Finally- want to make some extra cash? Tired of the pennies you get from some advertising programs? Try this- I use it and am very pleased thus far! You choose who advertises on your site/blog, etc. You decide what products to promote, you give your readers the bargains!

LinkShare Referral Program

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