Sunday, June 5, 2011

Somewhere over the Rainbow Challenge with Inspiration Avenue.... Floral cuff entry

So, after a long pause in my "web participation", I have jumped back in- and one of the first things I did was visit Inspiration Avenue to see what I had missed.... Wow!  A lot of beautiful work has been posted in the challenges lately- and I was saddened to see I had missed the Angel Faces Auction!  Last year I had so much fun with the auction and bought a gorgeous pendant from one of the participants!  But, I am determined to keep up with my "web-ly obligations" and get back into the swing of things.  Unfortunately, life happens and we sometimes get called off the path of our journey- the key is to hike that hill and find your way, again.  This week the challenge at Inspiration Avenue is Over the Rainbow, and considering the massive downpours we have had in Illinois- I thought this one was fitting for me!  I did not have a lot of items on hand to create a multi colored project, (hmmm... maybe I should break out of my box and explore this a little more, though)- so, I decided to go with a cuff that I recently made.  It has a mix of colors and blends of fibers, but also has the greenery that comes after the rain with the rainbow and a blend of floral colors and embellishments.  When I was creating this one, my idea was focused on Spring- a chance of renewal, opportunity, growth, and metamorphosis... Each spring, our environment changes drastically, offering us a peek at what is to come over the next few months. There is also a chance for something new, something different to emerge from the ground- seeds from last fall have spread, the birds and wind have blown new startlings into your plot- and their is an excitement in waiting for what is to come.  It is also an opportunity to grow and emerge differently, in a new place, in a new way, in a new perspective- the flowers you planted last year will look incredibly different this year as the growth around them leads to a new background for them, the hardiness that comes from the nutrients stored from the winter months, and the appearance that has evolved as the plant has matured over the year- similar to what we all go through in our lives.  We change and grow as we learn more, experience more, enjoy more, and sadly, suffer more.  But, all of these instances create an ongoing process of metamorphosis within us.  I am sure most artists can find an emergence within themselves over the past year as they acquired new skills and techniques, broadened their view of the world around them, found more symbols and icons that represent their perceptions, and gained a new appreciation for what they deem as art.  I know this has occurred with me- I have learned so much over the past year and am so grateful to those who share their knowledge with others.... and with that, well winded post, I will now show the cuff that I entered and hope that it has enough color blends to qualify....

If you have not participated in an IA challenge, take a minute to check the blog out- each week a new challenge is posted.  Even if you don't enter, it is well worth a few minutes to see the beautiful works that the entrants create.  I loved the last challenge with the purples and greens- my favorite color blend- and the challenges are so thought provoking and really give you the "prompt" you need when block has set in.... Check it out here:

Check out what Mommy Tyme has been working on... New cuffs with fabric, wire, crochet stitching, felt, and embellishments

Well,  long time no write... For those of you who check in often, I apologize for my absence- it has been a  hectic time in my life but I think we are finally beginning to reach smoother ground- and although I have not been writing, I have been creating (my escape)!  Lately I have been imagining some really elaborate jewelry designs, but the technical composition needed to make them work is eluding me!  Frustrating!  So, I have been scouring the blogs and trying to earn some new skills that may help me pull some of these designs together- I know that I want to add my crochet passion into the design, but pulling it all together without a mix mash mess look is still the hurdle to jump!  But, in my attempts, I have come up with a few new designs and pieces that I am pretty happy with!  Below is my new cuff- and I have made a few more, each with individual embellishments, so the end result is unique!  What is fun with these is the mix of fibers and textiles- I have had so much fun rummaging through my stash of material, fiber scraps and odds n ends- I think I am actually learning to spin these into a unique fiber that will become the foundation for some future projects (if I had a wheel or spindle, it sure would make it easier since I am currently using a knitting needle for the  process!!)- anyway, here is a fun example of one of the cuff's.  This one is made with a felt backing, a mix of wire, rayon blend fabric, ribbon, an amber glass focal that I created a wire crochet bezel for- and it is pulled together with a silver colored chunky chain and hook clasp to make it completely adjustable.

Well, I am off to link up with a few parties and see what everyone else has been up to....

PS - we just got back from an awesome trip to the Southern Missouri woods, where we rented a cabin with a private pond and just spent some time enjoying our family, quiet, and nature... I wanted to share some of these with you, also!

As always... thanks for spending some time with me today!  If you have time, please visit the website and make sure to sign the guestbook at  By signing the guestbook you receive an instant coupon code for 10% off your next order from Mommy Tyme Gifts- and if you sign up for the newsletter, you can receive a coupon for 20% off your next order!  Keep up to date with all the latest items, freebies at my shops, and contests on the blogs!  Sign up for the newsletter at

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