Sunday, February 13, 2011

Getting to know the Squids ... Squidoo Hop? Create a lens to market yourself

Well, recently I find that I spend most of my time creating and barely any time marketing- which, unfortunately, now I have a lot of items in my stores but my sales are just not coming through.  It really is amazing how much can change if you take a few weeks off from promoting yourself.  Well, it happened this weekend I was checking out a few blogs and browsing some linky party entries (which I just love to see what everyone has created recently!) and I stumbled across an entry by a Bit of Sunshine at Poetic Creations.  One thing led to another, and I followed links to an awesome post and idea for Squidoo hops!  Squidoo is an amazing opportunity for learning and promoting- plus, you can even make a little money if you get enough viewers!  I have several squidoo lenses and it seems I am constantly adding more information to each one as I come across it- but, I rarely promote them.  I love to browse through the lenses other people have created, too.  Especially if you are looking for crafting tutorials.  Because squidoo has a template and several modules that are structured to organize the information efficiently.  Many modules are set up to do step by step presentations of the information, others allow you to add links to a list (which is really cool because you can add the "add to my lens" bookmarklet to your toolbar and as you find interesting and applicable things on the web you can just add them to your list), and some even feed your blog, your Etsy, and other information about YOU to the lens.

The Squid Hop promoted by Marsha's Spot and A Bit of Sunshine at Poetic Creations  offer s you a chance to talk about your lenses, and hopefully find some new readers.  Exactly the same as a Blog Hop, but you are talking about  the lenses you  have created.  So, I want to take a minute and let you know about a few of mine..

I recently created  a lens about Mixed Media and Altered Art techniques.  I have talked a lot lately about my fascination with collage and mixed media, especially in jewelry!   I happened to have a canvas lying around and a few months ago I saw this cool technique in Cloth, Paper, Scissors for adding texture.  I did a piece on my canvas that started with the technique I read about, and then just emerged into several other techniques.  I was so in to working on this project I could not leave it alone.  I would be up until 3 in the morning and
not even realize it.  I am addicted.  Since then, I have tried to learn EVERYTHING I can, and as I find new information, great links, fascinating and inspiring examples- I was bookmarking them!  Then, I thought, why not create a lens so everyone can catch the bug ?  So, here is the link:   

 The next lens I would like to share is Marketing you Handmade- and of course, this one arose from necessity.  When I first began my venture of selling my products, it was SLOW moving.  I almost gave up- but, I happened to join a few Ning networks that were great communities for supporting and promoting one another.  I began to feel a little more confident and the sales started coming.  But, it is never a stagnate process.  Once you start creating and selling your creations, you learn very quickly that you have to change it up frequently.  I am not talking about changing the product (although, sometimes you have to do that, too!) I am referring to how you get your product "out there" for the world to see.  Simply opening a store front is not going to get the viewers you need or want- and there is constantly new social networks, new advertising, new ideas (like this Squid hop!) that can offer you great opportunities.  So, the Marketing lens gives you some basic First Steps, and then moves on to a variety of ideas on keeping your name in the current scene.  I am always adding to it as I find new links, pages, blogs, etc. that can help you along!  So, check it out at

And- there is a module on this lens where you can Add your shop name and URL to the list!

So, are you thinking you might want to join the Squid Ranks?  Ready to create a lens about your shop?  Something you are an Expert on?  Have advice to share?  Well, it is free- Easy- and once you start, I guarantee you will be hooked!  Here is a link to get you going:

And if you want some Squidly advice from the pro's... Check out these blogs:

And finally, once you get a lens up and running- or if you already have one- join the link hop:

Also, if you have a lens- make sure to add it to my lists on my squid lenses and I will come back and lens roll you- and feel free to add your URL here in the comments- so I can find and "Like" you!




Ruth Cox aka abitosunshine said...

Great first post for Marsha's HOP and SQUIDOO blog hop! I've given you some lens love!

Marsha Cooper said...

thanks so much for joining in on the Squidoo Blog Hop. I hope to see you each week, or when you can! I'm hopping over to check the lenses you talk about.
Squidoo offers to many earning opportunities.

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