Check out the Zetangle book giveaway and the Deborah Norville Yarn Giveaway here:
Scrapgirls has some awesome digital download freebies just added, too!
And take a second to look at the new page I just added for linky parties-blog hops- You can find it at you can find the cool parties I have been linking up to- you will find some awesome inspiration and great new blogs! There is also a giveaway page that I just updated that lists all the cool items being offered up from various sponsors and bloggers! If you are hosting something, and would like to add it here, just leave me a comment! I would love to join in, and always happy to promote a fellow crafter/artisan!
Now.... On to what I have been working on...

I just finished my mixed fiber poncho which also acts as a shawl, cowl, scarf, etc... Created from some fibers/yarns/mixes and one size fits all. There are strategically placed buttons, so you can wear it a ton of ways... It measures 70" X 19" so you have plenty of room to wrap it different ways!
Make sure to stop over at and see what every one else has been up to this week, too!
Digital Scrapbooking For Dummies