Sunday, August 22, 2010

Other: re-cycle/ treat package

Other: re-cycle/ treat package

As I scour all the galleries at the various sites I get supplies from, I am always finding something that is totally new, fun, and inspiring! With my eco friendly pursuit these days, this is a perfect project type! What a creative way to repurpose packaging materials from everyday items! Check it out and tell me what other ideas you have....

Anyone up for a challenge? I would love to see a creation made by YOU that utilizes or repurposes some type of packaging material- It can be any kind of packaging material- plastic, cardboard, etc. Start posting links to your projects in my comments section (dont forget to add the URL) and I will show you off on the facebook page, my website, both blogs, and in my next newsletter! So, get busy going green!

Contest ends 10/30/10

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